Apache Bowhunters is a non-profit organization, and was founded in 1967 by Al Reeves, Red Johnson, Dan Moore, and Ed & Nancy Bishman. The club started in Northern Franklin County by Hoover Reservoir, moved to Grazel Road, then in 1977 moved to Begert Road, and finally in 1985 moved to our present location in Lockbourne, Ohio, where we eventually purchased our club grounds and established a permanent location.
Club Purpose
The purpose of the Apache Bowhunters shall be; to foster, expand, and promote the practices of bowhunting in the State of Ohio. To foster a spirit of fraternal sportsmanlike fellowship and conduct among the bowhunters of the State of Ohio. To educate our members and the public in the sport of bowhunting using legal archery equipment with the proper proficiency to take game in a humane manner. To cooperate with all State and Federal Governments, recognized groups of sportsmen, and other related conservation bodies, in the propagation and conservation of game and its habitat.
The Club Today
Apache Bowhunters is an O.B.A. & I.B.O. affiliated club. We are located on 30 acres of land in Lockbourne, Ohio. Our outdoor target range has practice bales set from 10 to 50 yards. Our target course is broken into a lower and upper half, with 15 targets in hunting type situations on each. During our trophy shoots we set Reinhart & McKenzie 3D targets on the course. Shoots are open to members and non-members alike. In 1998 we built a new clubhouse and are making improvements to the club grounds each year. In 2008 we expanded the clubhouse to allow for future indoor shoots. We have expanded our camping and parking areas and have added some of the larger McKenzie’s (Lion, Caribou, and Elk) to our target selection. Crossbows have been allowed since fall of 2005.
We have about 70% Family memberships and 30% Single memberships. No matter what equipment you shoot, stick bow, compound or crossbow, there is someone at Apache who shares your interest.